the next issue will be published in Jan 2025.
if you want to become a part of streetcake...
please address submissions to: trini decombe and nikki dudley
send between 2-5 poems, visual poems or 1-2 pieces of fiction (of approx 2500 words or less) to:
[email protected]
please submit with subject "submissions", with a short biography about yourself (4-5 lines) within the body of the email and supply your writing as a word document if possible but if formatting is an issue, please send a PDF. you can convert word docs for free using some online programs.
*(if you are sending a PDF, please put poems or stories on separate pages & don't include a footer/header as it's easier for us to put your work into the issue later - thanks!)
the majority of your work should be at least 12 point (or bigger) and a readable font. however, some of your work can be smaller and unreadable for visual effect.
please try to send FINAL versions of your work as it is very time consuming
having to make changes to the issue after we have published.
we also accept photographs and artwork. we generally prefer a
high resolution jpeg (or failing that, tiff format).
if you receive a rejection, please do not submit until after our next issue has been published.
we accept simultaneous submissions but please let us know as soon as possible if your work is
accepted elsewhere. also, we don't tend to accept previously published work unless a previous publication is no longer operating or it has been a long time since it was published and you have permission to republish it. please let us know when submitting if there is any previous publication history to consider.
if you want to republish something we have featured in one of our issues,
please just give us a credit.
we don't have themed issues. however, do read previous issues and/or our prize anthology
to get an idea of what we look for.
You can also read this interview with us on Trish Hopkinson's site
here is a loose guide to streetcake...
we want to be excited by your
writing, turned
amazed by your images, Eyes darting
---------------- all
over the
page /
trying to
keep =
up, shocked, (shivering) with / uncertainty, smacked
over the
head by
the the the the
craziness of it-
if that sounds like you, then please submit!
- we want to read poetry and fiction that surprises us, makes us laugh,
- looks downright weird and is a little out of the ordinary. we enjoy
- a range of innovative forms, including: visual poetry, unconventional ideas and
- presentations, hybrid forms, asemic writing, unique imagery, playing with forms and
- perspectives, non-linear writing, intermedia pieces, collages, and much more!
- so if your writing is a bit of an outcast, then join us, support us and keep returning to the cake.
- we started streetcake to offer writers an inclusive space to share their work with the world.
- we don't look at your credentials, where you're from, where you've been, where you did your degree or who you know before reading your writing because we believe that we should approach your writing and voice without any preconceptions. in the words of Nirvana, 'come as you are.'
we will always try to respond to submissions in good time, but this may take up to six weeks.